What’s New at S. J. Rollins

NTFS (New Technology File System) has been around for a while, but it still plays a critical role in making sure the right people have access to the right files in on-prem file solutions 🔒 That’s why we’re grateful to Shad for giving the team a refresher on how NTFS works during last week’s Lunch and Learn. Shad presented us with valuable pointers for using groups to manage access, keeping things clean with permissions inheritance, and much more!


👷‍♂️ Happy Labor Day! As a company that primarily serves other businesses, we understand better than most that a company is nothing without the continued hard work and dedication of its team. We’d like to extend a sincere thank you to our amazing staff and wish everyone a fun and restful holiday.


Welcome back to Maine, Jason, Trevor, and Jordan! It might look like these three just got back from a vacation, but looks can be deceiving. When a customer in Virginia needed their access control upgraded, they were there to answer the call. You might recognize Jordan from our access control post back in May, so you know he was in his element during this project! Jason and Trevor are part of our cabling team, and they’re pros at making sure the cables that connect and power these systems are run the right way and in a timely manner. Great job guys 🏆


Feeling tethered to your desk phone? The optional mobile app that comes with our phone systems puts an end to racing to your desk when calls come in. Talk to one of our technicians to find out what other comforts an upgrade could get you!